Bentley WaterGEMS CONNECT Edition Help

Profile Series Options Dialog Box

The Profile Series Options dialog box allows you to adjust the display settings for the profile view. You can define the legend labels, the scenario (or scenarios), and the attribute (or attributes) that are displayed in the profile plot.

The Series Label Format field allows you to define how the series will be labeled in the legend of the profile view. Clicking the [>] button allows you to choose from predefined variables such as Field name and Element label.

The Scenarios pane lists all of the available scenarios. Check the box next to a scenario to display the data for that scenario in the profile view. The Expand All button opens all of the folders so that all scenarios are visible; the Collapse button closes the folders.

The Elements pane lists all of the elements that will be displayed in the profile view. The Expand All button expands the list tree so that all elements are visible; the Collapse button collapses the tree.

The Fields pane lists all of the available input and output fields. Check the box next to a field to display the data for that field type in the profile view. The Expand All button opens all of the folders so that all fields are visible; the Collapse button closes the folders. The Filter by Field Type button allows you to display only Input or Output fields in the list. Clicking the [>] button opens a submenu that contains all of the available fields grouped categorically.

Note that profiles don't show any results for the intermediate points along a pipe. To see the results of transient calculations for these intermediate points, you will need to use the Transient Results Viewer.

The Show this dialog on profile creation check box is enabled by default; uncheck this box to skip this dialog when a new profile is created.